In order for the system to properly track your statistics it must know which days you are open for business and what day of the week you end your week on.
As shown by
in the screenshot below, check the days your company is open for business. If you are sometimes open on one day of the week, it is best to leave that day set as closed, then enter the production from that day on the following day.
Select the day of the week you end your week as indicated by
If you select Days Open in the Period to Review the calendar to the right will show all of the days you are scheduled to be open for the entire year.
If you select Week Ending Day in the Period to Review, as shown by
below, the calendar will show days you are scheduled to end your week for the entire year.
You can set the Bi-week date, semi-month, month ending and year ending according to your schedule. Bi-weekly and semi-monthly were included for businesses that pay every two weeks or twice month so that employee bonuses can be computed for these periods based on production. One does not manage on a two week or half month basis.
You can change your calendar setting in the future but there are rules for this and you should consult the help in the software to understand how to change the calendar.
Click the Finish button when you have completed the calendar settings.
You will be returned to the Company Setup Wizard and your calendar settings will be listed. Click the Next button to continue.