The next you need to grant users permission to view and enter data for this new company.
The system has one default users called admin. This is a System Administrator user and its set up needs to be completed. Click the Edit User as shown by
in the screen shot below.
To complete the set up of the Admin user, enter the user's email address as shown by
in the screen shot below.
Next, select the employee to be associated with the Admin user as shown by
in the screen shot below.
A user can be associated with one employee in each company you have created in the system.
Next, select the role the user has in the company, as shown by
in the screen shot below. Click Finish to save the changes you have made to the user.
Adding more employees as users
It is now time to add your employees as users. In this example, we'll start with start with John Smith.
You are now ready to add additional users to the system. You are licensed for a certain number of users and you can add users up to that limit.
When adding a user, enter the user name, a password, email address, select the employee, the user's role in each company and if the user can view private statistics.
If you want to give another user System Administrator access rights, select the System Administrator Access check box as shown by
in the screen shot below.